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A few months ago I was editing a large body of water in my area. However something happened and it no longer appears on the map. I checked and repositioned every line and node. Even redrew certain spots. I still cant get it to appear. I also checked all tags and relations. Any ideas?

asked 27 Dec '19, 20:55

RickieFareShowe18's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


A link to the water body in question might help.

(27 Dec '19, 21:50) InsertUser

I think I may have fixed it with changeset

The outer was not an unbroken set of linked ways (which probably doesn't matter) but there was an extra way with role of outer that had no tags on it that was likely breaking things.

permanent link

answered 28 Dec '19, 05:05

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


Thank you so much! Everything is all set now!

(28 Dec '19, 05:15) RickieFareSh...

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question asked: 27 Dec '19, 20:55

question was seen: 1,689 times

last updated: 28 Dec '19, 05:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum