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Is it possible at all or is it one way relationship only?

asked 25 Sep '10, 21:55

Kozuch's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

You can ask the OSM API with a special API call. Basically you do something like this: GET /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id/relations . See the link for details. If you are using the planet file or some extract of it, there is no direct link from the member object to the relation. You have to go through all the relations and look at each member.

permanent link

answered 26 Sep '10, 08:10

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf
accept rate: 31%

The question did not seem to specify whether this is a programmatic or user level question. So, if you are using JOSM, for example, all relations the selected feature is member of will appear in the Properties/Memberships pane

permanent link

answered 26 Sep '10, 19:31

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 25 Sep '10, 21:55

question was seen: 8,311 times

last updated: 26 Sep '10, 19:31

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