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There are some water reservoirs (man-made structures) that I want to name in my local forest park, but there is no name field.

For example someone has tagged the reservoir as a "building" and named it "Water Reserviour" [sic wrong spelling.

They should be able to be given names, e.g. Kuraby Reservoir and Karawatha Reservoir.

Sorry but I couldn't see how to do this, or who to ask.

Alf (noob) (1st post!)

asked 26 Jan '11, 05:14

alfredo4570's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jul '11, 17:21

dieterdreist's gravatar image


To add a name to any item...

Select the point/area.

Using Potlatch 1, click the plus sign (+) on the keyboard or the plus (+) sign at lower right of the tagging area. Add "name" (no quotes) as the key and the name Kuraby Reservoir as the value.

Using Potlatch 2, click "Advanced" at the bottom of the tagging area. Click in an empty key are, add "name" (no quotes) as the key and the name Kuraby Reservoir as the value

(28 Jul '11, 15:56) Chris CA

If you know how to use potlatch you want to (if not well you can read the setting a name on a street question)

  1. got to the "Water reservoir" (right place?)
  2. click the edit tab
  3. add the tags landuse=reservoir covered=yes (PS there are alternatives listed later in the post)
  4. change the name tag from "Water Reserviour" to "Kuraby Reservoir"

Other ways to tag reservoirs or water towers Sorry for not choosing one for you, but I don't know what type it is you are seeing.

permanent link

answered 26 Jan '11, 06:57

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 26 Jan '11, 07:14


You might want to see the actual usage of those tags to decide which one to choose. You can check this with additional tools, e.g. with (taginfo can show you on a global basis how many times a certain tag/value-combination is in use).

(28 Jul '11, 16:30) dieterdreist

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question asked: 26 Jan '11, 05:14

question was seen: 6,569 times

last updated: 28 Jul '11, 17:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum