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Does the OpenStreetMap API set a limit on the number of nodes in a way?

Does the OpenStreetMap API set a limit on the number of members in a relation?

asked 20 Jul '10, 20:59

Sven%20L's gravatar image

Sven L
accept rate: 0%

Yes. Currently api set limit 2000 nodes per way. All api limit can be see in

Coastline and ofter that object that are over 2000 nodes length are typical divided around 500 node pieces. This make easier edit pieces, because you can add nodes to them.

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answered 20 Jul '10, 21:29

kallam's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 21 Jul '10, 12:56

Use the following API call to find the limits.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 09:56

Firefishy's gravatar image

Firefishy ♦♦
accept rate: 29%

The number of nodes in a way is limited to 2,000. Just like other API limits, this is coded in the application.yml file in the rails port:;a=blob;f=config/application.yml;hb=HEAD

There is currently no limit to number of elements in a relation, but it is possible that one could be added at a later time. You should certainly avoid ever having more than 2,000 members in a relation even if it is currently possible. Relations that big slow down editing and cause unnecessary waste of bandwidth.

For route relations or boundaries, make cascading relations if you're approaching a four-digit number of members. For multipolygon relations, split them in several parts.

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answered 20 Jul '10, 22:13

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 20 Jul '10, 23:21

Tordanik's gravatar image



Cascading relations are a bad idea. They are hard to understand and hard to work with in software. As far as I know, no software currently understands them. This problem should be solved on a different level.

(21 Jul '10, 06:45) Jochen Topf

JOSM understands cascading relations.

(22 Jul '10, 20:13) Baloo Uriza

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question asked: 20 Jul '10, 20:59

question was seen: 12,756 times

last updated: 22 Jul '10, 20:13

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