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This is what I have until now:

(way({{bbox}}); - way({{bbox}})[~"."~"."];)->.w1;
(.w1; - .w2;);
(._; >;);
out meta;

But this only selects ways that have no tags and are not part of a relation, so this query gives me untagged areas (closed ways) as well. How can I solve that issue? I know how to do it with other tools, but I need to know if it can be done with Overpass-turbo.

Thanks in advance!

asked 05 Aug '16, 09:09

manuela_butuc's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 05 Aug '16, 13:32

The feature request #197 implies that filtering closed or non-closed ways is currently not possible with Overpass API.

I'd suggest to take a look at JOSM filters instead to do some post processing, more specifically the closed filter. See this blog for details:

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answered 05 Aug '16, 12:17

mmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%


Basically, that was my question, if it can be done in overpass-turbo or not. Thanks for your answer, it was really helpful!

(05 Aug '16, 13:31) manuela_butuc

For those googling it's now possible to check for a closed polygon & if there are tags on a way:

way(if:is_closed()==0)(if:count_tags() == 0);
permanent link

answered 20 Oct '21, 18:08

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 05 Aug '16, 09:09

question was seen: 4,483 times

last updated: 20 Oct '21, 18:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum