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Does the OpenStreetMap API set a limit on the number of ways containing a node?

Does the OpenStreetMap API set a limit on the number of relations containing a member?

asked 21 Jul '10, 05:52

NE2's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

Yeah, it's the inverse of this question.

(21 Jul '10, 05:53) NE2

The Ways and Nodes are stored separate. And a third table stores the links between nodes and ways. So there is no technical limit.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 06:39

DennisB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm not sure, but given the data structures used in the database, there likely may not be a limit.

How many ways do you really thing should share a single node? I would think once you got past a half-dozen or so at a very complicated intersection, things would just be getting silly.

Can you think of a good reason for a large number of ways to share a single node?

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answered 21 Jul '10, 06:07

David%20Dean's gravatar image

David Dean
accept rate: 22%

edited 21 Jul '10, 06:09


The only limit I'm aware of is 2000 nodes per way.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 06:39

JohnSmith's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 21 Jul '10, 05:52

question was seen: 8,182 times

last updated: 10 Oct '22, 10:06

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