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I am mapping a barrier=fence (using Potlatch2) and would like to place a node along it: barrier=entrance. I can add it using the Advanced tab (adding "barrier=entrance" manually), but (imho) it would be nice to have an icon for adding it. (It seems like a common node.) Is there a reason there is not an icon for it, and/or what is the preferred way to make a change request for Potlatch. Thanks very much.

asked 20 Apr '11, 21:24

fun60Cx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Apr '11, 21:25

You have a few choices:

  1. Add it to the "Suggested Enhancements" page on the wiki
  2. Add an enhancement request on trac
  3. Better still - Have a look at the map_features definitions and come up with a suggested change to the definitions and an icon to go with it.

The more you can do to help, the more likely it is to happen!

permanent link

answered 21 Apr '11, 08:48

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%


Thanks very much for your reply; good help.


Fyi, I received an email repsonse to this post (not seen in the forum here):

Herve5 has just posted a comment on the question How to request an icon be added in Potlatch2 for barrier=entrance? Don't take this for a criticism, but what difference do you do with "barrier=gate" which has its icon in Potlatch? H.

I'd like to just respond here please: (No criticism taken. No worries.) At: under "Access nodes", there are: entrance: A hole in a linear barrier with no specific construction that limits passing through. and gate: An entrance that can be opened or closed to get through the barrier.

The node I am mapping cannot be opened or closed; it's just a gap in the fence, so entrance seems best.

Potlatch does not seem to render an entrance, but Josm does (using a black icon with two white opposing arrows, to indicate that one can pass thru at the node). As a start, I added a suggestion for it to the "Suggested Enhancements" page on the wiki.

(22 Apr '11, 21:29) fun60Cx

You are absolutely right in making this distinction. There's also a suggestion, IIRC, if the gap is wide enough to just map it, i.e., cut out a corresponding section in your barrier. What's wide enough is a judgement call, I suppose.

(22 Apr '11, 21:50) ponzu

Indeed, it would be great to be able to customise the set of icons from a larger list than available for now.

(14 Mar '12, 17:46) gerdami

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question asked: 20 Apr '11, 21:24

question was seen: 7,042 times

last updated: 14 Mar '12, 17:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum