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Is there any way by which I can use icons available in the SJJB SVG Map Icons library to bind them with Map features which don't have any icons and are represented by a green dot in potlatch2?

asked 27 Mar '13, 12:09

Ritwick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


However amending Potlatch2, will fix only Potlatch2 - it will have no effect on the maps rendered on

To adjust just Potlatch2 you will have to run your own instance of Potlatch2, see:

You will need to make amendments to the file: resources/stylesheets/core_pois.css

Looking at the code history within git, you should be able to see the way to amend Potlatch2. Such as my commit SHA1: ab28e8c69ee6e3091a01d8ab9bf276df5f974e6d

Having said that - development focus especially for 'simple' editing has shifted to the pure javascript iD editor:

Thus you many need to reconsider your goals of what adding an icon in Potlatch2 will actually achieve.

permanent link

answered 28 Mar '13, 00:32

robbieonsea's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 28 Mar '13, 00:34

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question asked: 27 Mar '13, 12:09

question was seen: 3,013 times

last updated: 28 Mar '13, 00:34

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