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What's the best way of downgrading a relation? Sustrans have stripped the NCN279 of it's status - it now shows up on their maps as "on road route not on the National Cycle Network".

I imagine there are more of these around the country - are they being treated collectively?

asked 25 Jul '20, 15:37

murielster's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jul '20, 15:37


For discussion elsewhere see and the rest of that thread.

(25 Jul '20, 15:44) SomeoneElse ♦

That particular route (NCN 279) will continue to be part of the Tour de Manche cycle route, so it should be tagged as route=bicycle, network=icn, name=Tour de Manche. (In practice, I think the Tour de Manche is mapped in OSM as a "super-relation" with several sub-relations, so it would need to be part of that.)

However, it's best not to actually retag it until the signs change on the ground. In this particular case, for example, it's possible that the route could be rationalised at the Okehampton end to share with NCN 28 - I don't have any particular knowledge of this example but understand that there's some consideration being given to rationalising alignments elsewhere around Dartmoor.

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answered 26 Jul '20, 11:27

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 25 Jul '20, 15:37

question was seen: 1,277 times

last updated: 26 Jul '20, 11:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum