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I would like to indicate the ferry crossing from Portsmouth to Fishbourne, Isle of Wight is on national cycle network route 22. I see this has been done for the Southampton-IoW crossing. I see no way of tagging ferry routes. Help would be appreciated.

Roger Inkpen. Sustrans ranger

asked 08 Sep '14, 18:45

pompeybug's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I don't know the right answer, but I do know that the Trans Canada Cycle Route crosses a ferry, and the ferry route is just added as a relation to the cycle route. I hope that's helpful, and I'll keep my eye open here to see if it's been done the right way here.

(08 Sep '14, 19:35) keithonearth

On, if you click on the stack of books icon at the right of the map, tick the “Map data” box (help on this) and then select the Southampton to East Cowes ferry route you get a listing of the object that shows that it is a member of the relation “NCN National Cycle Route 23”. You can add further ferry routes (or roads or paths) to cycle route relations by the “add to relation” command that editors generally provide.

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answered 08 Sep '14, 20:32

Wynndale's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

edited 04 Jan '15, 02:22

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi Wynndale. Thanks for your swift response and apols for my slow one! I tried and failed to understand your method as I don't see the Map Data box. This may be because I'm editing in Potlatch - I don't understand the other editors!

pompeybug (28 Sep '14, 08:47)(moved from answer text)

(04 Jan '15, 02:26) aseerel4c26 ♦

@pompeybug: I have tried to clarify in his answer text what Wynndale was meaning (hopefully).

(04 Jan '15, 02:26) aseerel4c26 ♦

Finally I found the solution (in Potlatch):

  • select existing ferry route;
  • click Advanced properties;
  • click Add to..;
  • select NCN route (I'm guessing this is listed because it's nearby);
  • click Select;

and the NCN route is added, and will hopefully show up on the updated map in a few days...;

Cheers, Roger

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answered 28 Sep '14, 08:47

pompeybug's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Jan '15, 02:26

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


The NCN route is listed due to it being nearby in the data already downloaded, otherwise you would need to search for it.

(03 Jan '15, 11:33) smsm1

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question asked: 08 Sep '14, 18:45

question was seen: 3,448 times

last updated: 04 Jan '15, 02:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum