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[Hi - I've looked through the FAQs but cannot find an answer on this. Several months ago I marked a proposed route 224 for the national cycle network on OSM. I guess I created this as a 'new relation' and marked it proposed. Now the route is ready to be signposted and I want to change it from 'proposed' - a broken line - to 'actual' - a solid line. When I go into 'edit relation' I have not option to change this. And even if I go into ‘new relation’ to create a new, actual route, there is no option for this.

The attached link is the area in the centre of Fareham. At the bottom of the screen is an actual route 224 shown in Redlands Lane. North of West Street, Grove Road, etc are shown with a broken proposed line. This continues up to Wickham. All this will need to be changed to solid, actual route.

Thanks in advance! Roger ]1

asked 03 Jul '15, 20:58

pompeybug's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Jul '15, 20:58

Hello Roger.

Delete "state=proposed" when editing the relation (at least, that's how to do it with Potlatch).


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answered 03 Jul '15, 21:20

jpennycook's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jon

Thanks for the quick answer, but I don't see this option! When I am in normal OSM view I can query features and under 'tags' I see the state - proposed. But I when I go into Potlatch mode and select part of the route I can't see the 'tags'. So I can't delete 'proposed'!

I see when I created this I left the name field blank. I have now added this and other details so I'm hoping this solves it.


(04 Jul '15, 09:33) pompeybug

in Potlatch edit mode:

select a way that is part of this relation

double click on the relation in the lefthand screen and this will bring up a box in the right hand screen "Edit relation"

use the scroll bar on the rhs of this pop up box and scroll to bottom where you will see "Simple | Advanced | Members"

Select "Advanced" and you will see all the tags and can delete the state=proposed

Hope this helps.

I don't know why they made the pop-up box slightly too small, meaning you have to scroll to get to these options - maybe to show people there is a scroll function?

[Link to relation to save me looking for it again (sometimes the OSM search can be unsatisfactory)]

Incidentally the Sustrans website says route 224 goes 8 miles from Farnham to Medstead, while the route on the OSM map goes from Fareham to Holybourne (via Medstead)

(04 Jul '15, 12:03) YoP

I don't know why they made the pop-up box slightly too small

We didn't. Adobe broke Flash Player (again) which stopped the pop-up box working properly - it used to be fine. I'll see if I can work up a fix.

(04 Jul '15, 13:11) Richard ♦

Found a fix; it'll be in the next version of Potlatch 2.

(04 Jul '15, 18:35) Richard ♦

Thanks all for the advice. I see now the advanced tab (God knows why I didn't spot that earlier!), so proposed route amended. Yes, YoP the Sustrans and OSM maps conflict. I can't say I'm familiar enough with the Alton area and we don't have a volunteer ranger in the area. All I've done is find a route for the section from West Meon to Bighton, and I know it's marked from there to Medstead. OSM says it is 'proposed' so I'm not changing that! When complete NCN224 will go from Gosport to Fareham, through the Meon valley to Alton, then up through NE Hants to Bracknell area.

My patch is SE Hants so I'm concentrating on proper signage from the south into the South Downs, but I'm trying to get the SDNPA to take signage seriously from north and south.

Mercian - I've relocated Solent Cycles.


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answered 07 Jul '15, 18:07

pompeybug's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've just started with GPS, so can't do this myself, but if you're modifying cycling in Fareham might be worth relocating Solent Cycles to their new location just opposite Grove Road.

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answered 07 Jul '15, 16:26

Mercianman's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 03 Jul '15, 20:58

question was seen: 4,419 times

last updated: 07 Jul '15, 18:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum