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I recently took part in a small editwar over an unnamed (no official or locally reckognized name) private airstrip:

I removed an obviously invented english name (the airstrip is in Denmark and an official name would most likely have been different from this) and after researching a bit tagged the strip noname=yes because I felt that would be the most factually correct.

After this the noname tag was removed and a descriptive name put back.

The airstrip in question is most likely the one mentioned in

Is it ok for mappers to invent names (in a foreign language even) for essentially nameless private airstrips (and other features too)?

asked 01 Apr '18, 19:39

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

When is a name a name?

The (OED) dictionary defines "name" as "word(s) by which a person, place, animal, thing etc is known and spoken to or of".

This means that something doesn't have to have an "offical" name in order for the name tag to be set in OSM, but it should be "known" by that name, by a reasonable proportion of relevant people (people whom you would assume to be the authority on naming the thing in question - usually, those who interact with the thing on a regular basis because they live there).

The name tag (or its name:xx siblings) should not be used for

  • a description of an object ("farm", "beach access road")
  • a "niche name" that only very few people use to refer to the object, and that is therefore difficult to verify
  • a translation or transliteration of the real name (Pont Neuf in Paris is not called "New Bridge" in English hence a name:en tag is not appropriate)

To answer your question, it is certainly not ok for a mapper to invent a name for an airstrip; however most names were invented at some point in history, so if someone invents a name and it catches on and a sizeable group of people refer to the thing by that name, then it's ok to be mapped.

Or if someone invents the name and puts it up on a big sign.

permanent link

answered 01 Apr '18, 23:00

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 01 Apr '18, 23:04

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question asked: 01 Apr '18, 19:39

question was seen: 4,648 times

last updated: 01 Apr '18, 23:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum