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Why is the railroad names no longer showing up on the tracks anymore? in the last week everything i edited or tracks i added, the names no longer show up. and of the ones that did in the past the names would be fragmented or chopped in pieces in some places. And on abandoned lines the names don't always show up either, even before this recent problem.

asked 02 Mar '14, 03:24

railfan-eric's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Railroad tracks were never intended to be labeled on the map shown at (which is intended to be a general purpose map). There was a bug in the style sheets that caused names to be printed for everything that had a name, even when there wasn't an explicit rule to do so, and that bug has been ironed out recently.

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answered 02 Mar '14, 09:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

that's too bad. that was the main reason i use OSM is because I can see the names of the RR lines and subdivision names. i spent countless hours realigning the tracks and naming them and adding depots etc. I don't see why we can't have this feature. I"m a railroad fan and it's important to me to be able to see what RR line is which. the other maps don't.

(02 Mar '14, 09:31) railfan-eric

There are many maps based on OSM, for example the OpenRailwayMap. And there is a transport layer on the main side (use the layer switcher on the right side), maybe it does show railway names.

(02 Mar '14, 09:45) scai ♦

There are also a bunch of ways that you can create your own map using an extract of OSM data, including desktop renderers like Maperitive and ones that will work with the OSM stylesheet (but let you edit it) like TileMill. There's also lots of information at Switch2osm.

(02 Mar '14, 11:19) SomeoneElse ♦

thanks for the help. the transport map has black lines that cover up the names. Open Railway Map always defaults to United Kingdom. i'm in Emporia KS USA. The mapknik map on there don't show the names either and the Mapquest maps doesn't show my edits from a few weeks ago nor does it show abandoned lines. and my android apps only shows the default map. so i'm screwed. To be honest i'm rather disgusted. It seems railroads aren't important anymore. printed maps used to have RR Names. but nowadays nobody but railfans cares. who can i contact at OSM about this issue?

(02 Mar '14, 19:24) railfan-eric

@railfan-eric Have you considered creating your own maps?

(02 Mar '14, 19:26) SomeoneElse ♦

@railfan-eric You can create a bug report (an issue) for the standard layer at but a GitHub account is required. But I think it would be better to ask the people of the Transport Map and the OpenRailwayMap if they want to add the labels you are missing (the wiki should tell you whom to contact).

(02 Mar '14, 19:47) scai ♦

I don't know how. i'm not a computer programmer. it's hard enough editing the maps with the easy editor. I tried to install Open Railway Map but it doesn't come with an EXE file. I don't know how to modify it to my liking and it doesn't come with instructions.

(02 Mar '14, 23:23) railfan-eric

See the tools mentioned by @SomeoneElse.

(03 Mar '14, 07:40) scai ♦

I have been playing with Maperitive and getting to understanding the basics. lots of stuff on there to learn. But the default rule already shows the RR names. so where in the rules do i edit them? now if i could figure out how to color code the different tracks like mainline, spurs, and yards like Open Railway Map does. thanks guys. i'm still in the delima for viewing OSM on android like before on my offline map viewer apps.

(04 Mar '14, 07:12) railfan-eric
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question asked: 02 Mar '14, 03:24

question was seen: 29,832 times

last updated: 04 Mar '14, 07:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum