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We have try some different ways to obtain this file, but it seems to be impossible. WE can compose the map with polygons, lines, and more because the file you can get from different tools allows you to do, but we can't achieve one tool to get and geo reference steets names too.

Any idea?

asked 28 Aug '13, 14:00

poladura's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Question at first: If you have a list of street names from Madrid, where should tilemill know from where to draw each name???

(28 Aug '13, 16:36) stephan75

Of course I know this issue, but I tought that if you can geolocate a layer with "lines" why not geolocate a layer with "street names" with the same system?

the thing is know if this kind of layer is possible and second if is it possible to import into tilemill as a new layer.

(30 Aug '13, 08:24) poladura

So it seems that you have a list of streets and you want to get the position of each street to display in an extra layer in Tilemill ...

do a keyword search on this FAQ site about "bulk geocoding" ... there are already some topics about that.

PS simple geocoding for whole streets is IMHO problematic: what position do you want receive if a street is very long????

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answered 30 Aug '13, 14:53

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Dear stephan75,

Finally I have reached a good solution for my issue. And it works! When you import the layer #roads into TileMill, firs of all check if this layer has the column called NAME (Here I am Supposing that you are importing your maps in shp format, and you get the #road file added)

If you have, you are lucky because you only must reply #roads for this other css code:

roads {

text-name:'[name]'; text-face-name:"Arial"; text-placement:line; text-size:9; text-fill:#666; text-min-distance:60; text-size:11; }

Be sure, you have installed Arial into Tilemill Fonts. If not, look for other font and replace in the new code text-face-name: "your font";

PD: I'm getting all the maps from here and most of them with #roads layer included.

(02 Sep '13, 08:02) poladura

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question asked: 28 Aug '13, 14:00

question was seen: 5,319 times

last updated: 02 Sep '13, 16:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum