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Hi there.

I am completely new to OSM and I wanted to add building numbers to my University campus map.

To be clear, most buildings have both a name (e.g. John Hines) and a building number (plus a letter sometimes). Some buildings just are called "Building ##".

Some of the buildings already have their name on OSM, but I was wondering where I could add the building number?

So, should I change the name from "John Hines" to "John Hines - 62" or "John Hines (62)" or "62 (John Hines)"?

Here is a list of the buildings, if that helps: Index of Locations at St Lucia Campus

asked 12 Feb '13, 02:21

stephane-guillou's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For your example I would suggest: ref=62 and addr:housename=John Hines (or maybe instead with name=John Hines).

A side note: if you copy the building database of the uni somehow, it may be advisable to have a clear permission from them to contribute the data under our license ODbL here. The database may be protected by law.

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answered 12 Feb '13, 12:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 12 Feb '13, 17:03


I would just use "name" for the name, and not addr:housename.

(12 Feb '13, 12:48) gormo

From the description given above, the OP isn't copying a database, just recording the facts of the building names and numbers.

(12 Feb '13, 16:08) neuhausr

@neuhausr: A "list of the buildings" was mentioned by the OP.

(12 Feb '13, 17:01) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thank you for your response. If I add the number as ref=62, will it appear directly on the map? The idea is also to make it so the user navigates the map of the campus and directly sees the name AND number of the building, for usability's sake.

(12 Feb '13, 23:17) stephane-gui...

@stephane-guillou: well, there is no "the map". OpenStreetMap is just map data. Depending on which map style/renderer you use you get totally different maps or services. If you mean the standard mapnik style of osm then: no, probably the ref will not be shown - but that is a problem of the style, not of our data. See example building. The standard "mapnik" style seems to preferably display the "name". See: other example building.

(13 Feb '13, 04:18) aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi Stephane-, Did you consider to ad the number in the advanced menu, just below the name tag ? As number - AB 12 Did you look at the other Australian Universities since they might be numbered and eventually tagged the same way ? Greetz

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answered 12 Feb '13, 10:44

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 12 Feb '13, 02:21

question was seen: 4,535 times

last updated: 13 Feb '13, 04:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum