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I asked this first on Reddit, you can see the discussion here

An example

Possible ways to tag it

On the west side of Loop 1, it is Spicewood Springs Road, and on the east side, it is West Anderson Lane. It is currently tagged as it appears in the second image (red = Spicewood, green = Anderson). Someone suggested to tag it another way, as shown in the first image. None of these seem quite correct to me - is there a standard way to do this?

asked 27 Sep '11, 00:52

Clorox's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the name of the road changes in the middle of a bridge, split the bridge into two halves and name each half correctly. If the name of the road changes somewhere else other than in the middle of the bridge, then split the road whereever the name changes and name the ways correctly.

On Reddit I see you are trying to "fix" the output of navigation software so that it gives altered guidance - i.e. it knows which road is mainly to the right and which is mainly to the left. Don't deliberately enter incorrect information just to improve the output of one piece of software. The software can, and should, be improved to give better results, rather than entering incorrect information, especially application-specific incorrect information, into OSM. See Tagging for the Renderer for more details.

You can also explore other ways of adding useful information to OSM, for example using destination signs.

permanent link

answered 27 Sep '11, 08:24

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 27 Sep '11, 00:52

question was seen: 5,751 times

last updated: 27 Sep '11, 08:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum