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I was looking to load a Talkytoaster map ( TT50-BRITISH-ISLES+CONTOURS-DEM.IMG ) onto the internal memory of my Etrex20x.

So I have dragged off the Etrex20x internal memory the file GMAPPROM.IMG (file size 3.51gb) thinking this was the file holding the basic garmin maps.

However the Etrex20x has not relinquished the free space I thought would be created by dragging off the GMAPPROM.IMG file... I am told only 300 mb is free...

And as a result now I cannot copy back onto the Extrex20x either the GMAPPROM.IMG or the TT50-BRITISH-ISLES+CONTOURS-DEM.IMG files.

Most annoying... anyone any ideas how to fix this ?

The issue could be bypassed by the installation of a micro sd card with the TT50-BRITISH-ISLES+CONTOURS-DEM.IMG file on the sd card...

However I also had problems earlier on today with the Etrex20x not being able to 'see' and load the Talkytoaster .IMG file from my brand new Sandisk 32 gb micro sd card... I suspect the micro sd card was corrupted as I could not format this card on either my mac or pc

When it rains etc etc... thanks for any tips.

asked 24 Mar '20, 21:55

mjsc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Mar '20, 22:02

Have you asked the question?

(25 Mar '20, 13:00) SimonPoole ♦

With help from another forum & a phone call from Talkytoaster himself(!), the issue is resolved, see as below.

The Etrex20x was connected to my mac, I viewed the Extrex20x in Finder, I then emptied the Trash and this then freed the space on the Etrex20x allowing me to copy back to same the GMAPPROM.IMG file.

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answered 26 Mar '20, 11:18

mjsc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Mar '20, 21:55

question was seen: 1,870 times

last updated: 26 Mar '20, 11:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum