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I downloaded OSM maps. The gmapsupp.img file works in the Oregon 450 main unit, I can rename it and it still works, but when I put the .img onto an uSD card (into the Garmin directory) it does not show up in settings - maps - mapinfo. I tried 2 different cards, and 8GB card and a 2GB card. What am I missing? Garmin Support is of no help since these are not their maps - they claim alternate-source maps may not work in the SD card though they may work in the Oregon. I'm sure this works for others - what am missing?

I also added a Birdseye folder under Garmin on the SD card and moved the .jnx file there. They no longer show up in setup-maps. I am wondering if there is some additional file generated in the SD root perhaps. I have read that on an 800 you need to make the SD card recordable and start/stop a timer but that's not something that translates into Oregon-ese

Is there perhaps an autorun.inf that needs to be present?

BTW I have used simple windows copy to get maps onto the SD card, I have also used mapsource to generate a gmapsupp.img and used it to transfer to SD card. The transfer worked just fine but the maps do not show up. Unfortunately the maps I won for a nuvi will not authenticate on the Oregon.

P.S. Spent some more quality time with Garmin Support. It is still not working. I even used their mapinstall and transferred OSM maps to "Garmin 450 + SD Card". Note that the SD card is not listed as a separate device... anyway it listed the OSM maps I had, showed the available space that clearly was the internal memory as well as the 8G SD card, built files and transferred those to the SD card into a Garmin directory. Unfortunately they still don't show in mapinfo! Garmin is totally reluctant to talk about 3rd-party maps. I am now wondering whether they boobytrapped their latest device software, I have 5.5 installed. I've also come to the conclusion that the manual is so void of useful information deliberately, so they can't be held to anything...

Regards, Rich

asked 04 Jun '12, 16:41

rkleinhenz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jun '12, 02:54


I have the same issue. One difference is i have a 4 GB sd card, not 8 GB. Also, i'm running linux on my desktop. I can see the sd card has 1 partition formatted as FAT32. In here i have 1 folder called "Garmin". I've also tried the name "Map". And in this folder i have one file called gmapsupp.img. In the setup map menu of the unit, i expect to see an additional map to enable, but i do not.

Have you had any luck since your last post?


(19 Nov '12, 02:46) OpenBrian

OK, i figured a solution to my situation on Linux. Something similar may work for you.

On Linux the SD card appears as device file /dev/mmcblk0 and partition 1 appears as /dev/mmcblk0p1. The first partition has a FAT32 filesystem. When i install the Garmin folder containing gmapsupp.img here, the GPS unit does not see the map.

I ran fdisk and deleted the first partition. Then i formatted the entire sd card as a FAT32 filesystem, using mkfs.vfat. In other words there is no partition table. I mounted that filesystem, create the Garmin folder, and copied gmapsupp.img there. The GPS unit did see the map and it works.

You may have read on the Internet to create other files in the Garmin folder. IIRC, one was called garmindevice.xml. That's not needed. All i have is 1 sd card, no partition table, 1 fat32 filesystem, one Garmin folder and one gmapsupp.img file.

I got my image file from

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answered 19 Nov '12, 03:28

OpenBrian's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm probably way off here, but on the newer Nüvis the gmapsupp.img files have to go in a /Map directory. The Garmin wiki page has some notes...

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answered 05 Jun '12, 08:40

samwilson's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 04 Jun '12, 16:41

question was seen: 8,647 times

last updated: 19 Nov '12, 16:57

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