I have just purchased a Garmin Etrex 20. I have downloaded 130809-British-Isles+Contours-Non-Routable-GMAPSUPP.img and the Routable version of this file from the TalkyToaster website to a Garmin folder in a 16GB MicroSD card. When I use the USB cable link to the Etrex 20 both of these files are shown on the Micro SD card. I have not loaded them to the internal memory in the Etrex 20 itself. When I boot the Etrex 20 only the Non Routable version is shown as available. The Routable version is not shown. Reading about the Etrex 20 it appears that earlier versions only allowed one file to be loaded and that this file had to be called GMAPSUPP.img However this problem had been resolved in later versions. The file name issue certainly seems to have been corrected as I just used the file name from TalkyToaster. But why is only one file available for use ? I wanted to download several maps to the Micro SD card and this experiment with just 2 seems to have failed. Any help would be much appreciated. |
Using several Garmin maps from the same source can be complicated. As well as a filename for the IMG file, the map has an ID and a name. These are within the file, so can't be easily edited. Also the map is probably made up of many segments, and each of these have a code. So if you are using several different versions of the maps from TalkyToaster, then they probably have duplicate map IDs or segment codes. So they won't work if you load them on the Etrex at the same time. There's not really much point in loading both the routable and non-routable TalkyToaster maps. Just use the routable version, you can turn off routing in the Etrex settings if you want. If you do want to try using multiple maps, I suggest getting them from different sources. eg this is good website, these maps should work along with the TalkyToaster maps: Garmin.OpenStreetMap.nl |
I just received my new Etrex 20 and loaded the .img file on an 4gb micro sd cad, it works for me, routing and all. Be sure to create a /garmin directory on the card and load the .img files there. Mine is working with multiple maps each a .img file with different names. I can enable 1 or multiple maps on the etrex 20 from the setup - map - map information - I see a list of the maps I have on the card and the option to enable or disable the maps. Hope this helps! 1
(for completeness) I'm guessing that you're using maps from different sources (perhaps a different "family name" in Garmin-speak)? It'd be interesting to know whether the routable and non-routable TalkyToaster maps co-exist for you (although as Vclaw has said I don't see why a user would want to use both maps on a GPS at the same time).
(24 Aug '13, 10:05)
SomeoneElse ♦
Loading a routable and non-routable version was just an experiment to see if the Etrex 20 I have just purchased would accept multiple maps - in the past it couldn't. I have subsequently discovered from the TalkyToaster website that different maps with contours cannot coexist but if you load one with contours and one without they can. I have now tried this and they appear as separate maps in the list in the Etrex 20 and can be enabled. I also downloaded a map from the Garmin OpenStreetMap website as suggested by Vclaw and this map also appears in the list in the Etrex 20. However when I enable it I get a blank screen - no map. Does anybody have any ideas why?