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Looks like Strava updated the heatmap ( see ) but the links available here [1] do still show the old one. Does anyone have an idea on how to use the new heatmap?



asked 06 Nov '17, 18:04

Constable's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

edited 12 Nov '17, 09:01

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Done it, here is the new link:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?px=256

I did open up Strava slide, had a look at the page information on my browser, tweaked a little the url that I found there and here we go, now it looks to be working fine! In case someone is interested, "all" and "bluered" values can be replaced with other values, in order to see the heatmap of a specific activity (cycling or running) or to see the heatmap with a different color.

Cycling heatmap:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?px=256

Running heatmap:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?px=256

Not so sure about that "?px=256" at the end of the url, only thing I know is that removing it messes pretty bad the heatmap layer.

I hope someone else will find this post useful. Could anyone update the links available on the Wiki Strava page? Thanks

permanent link

answered 12 Nov '17, 08:31

Constable's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

edited 12 Nov '17, 08:59


thanks, I have updated the wiki page. Thanks for the bit about "?px=256" - I did not use it and the display was quite garbled. Not sure why the URL for JOSM doesn't need it.

By the way: just register for the wiki and you can do that yourself! :-)

(12 Nov '17, 09:00) aseerel4c26 ♦

Unluckily the layer disappears when using iD with zoom level higher than 16, which is not a good thing.

(12 Nov '17, 10:25) Constable

@Constable: in the JOSM imagery list there is a max zoom level set, but I could not find out how to tell iD the same.

(12 Nov '17, 10:37) aseerel4c26 ♦

That maxzoom 16 is quite annoying. Is this something to post a new question about here, or maybe ask at the iD github repo?

(13 Nov '17, 08:46) joost schouppe
(13 Nov '17, 08:51) SimonPoole ♦

There are at least three possible use cases:

  • Aerial/Satellite imagery often has an offset. We usually use the GPS tracks OSM collects to correct this offset by comparing roads which have multiple tracks on the imagery and a rendered image of the traces. If there are only few traces, it is very likely that you get wrong results by GPS tracks can have an error between 3 and 15 m. Strava has a better coverage in some area and you can use it as an alternative GPS track source.

  • Finding missing ways. You can find missing tracks and paths in forests or areas without good satellite/aerial imagery.

  • You can improve the accuracy of OSM ways which have been mapped using GPS tracks only. That was quite common in the pre-Bing era (We got the permission in November 2010, only Yahoo with its partially huge offsets was available before. Some regions got covered by Bing much later or never (e.g. rural parts of the alp in Switzerland got covered in 2013 or so). Nowadays forest tracks are still mapped using GPS tracks only because you cannot see them if the trees are not deciduous or imagery was taken in summer.

permanent link

answered 12 Nov '17, 00:06

Nakaner's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

That are general use cases for strava heatmaps - fine. However, I understood that the question is for how to use the new heatmaps.

(12 Nov '17, 07:49) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 06 Nov '17, 18:04

question was seen: 5,845 times

last updated: 13 Nov '17, 08:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum