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My question comes after seeing the changeset 51817737. I graduated from this university recently and have updated it on OSM many times. The reason this person gave or labeling this section of the campus as a park was that it's very "park-like". The university does have many trees and it can be considered an urban forest and does have a named park on campus grounds but it is located on the northern part.

asked 04 Oct '17, 02:22

Juanitomg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Oct '17, 09:18

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦

For another university that mixes a few "park" areas with some "grass" areas, see the University of Minnesota

(04 Oct '17, 15:40) neuhausr

Hi @Juanitomg. From the wiki we read:

"A park is an area of open space provided for recreational use, usually designed and in semi-natural state with grassy areas, trees and bushes. Parks are often but not always municipal. Typically open to the public, but may be fenced off, and may be temporarily closed e.g. at night time."

As seen from an imagery, the area is really "park-like". But the actual limit is very ambiguous though. The "park" actually takes in both large buildings, parking areas, arenas... I think the contributor of the changeset should have tried to draw these smaller parts that are neatly identifiable as "parks" (the ones with trees, grassy and water).


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answered 04 Oct '17, 05:25

Privatemajory's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

If the area of the university is open to everybody and maybe has an dedicated name, it might be worth to tag it as park.

Please keep in mind, that the physical layout of parks can be pretty different around the globe, so you might want to explicitly tag wood areas, as renderers don't interpolate them (e.g. in 3D, ...).

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answered 05 Oct '17, 07:11

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

At least in Britain it is not unusual for University campuses to be in parkland. Several English universities were established by buying large houses and their associated parks: Nottingham, Reading, Essex and Keele are ones I can think of immediately. If you look at old maps before they became universities you can see these marked as parkland (with stippling). At least some of these institutions permit access to the public just as an ordinary public park might.

I see no reason why the park tag cannot be used in such cases. The main issue is whether one applies it to the entire campus or the more obviously park-like parts.

Note that the wiki (as is often the case) provides a partial description. In the UK large parks mainly originated in private ownership with or without public access. Only from the 840s were public parks created (Birkenhead Park) and during the 20th century many private parks were taken into public ownership. Examples of private parks incuded Chatsworth, Blenheim (both accessible), Locko Park (private, except for events), Stanford Park (private a military rehab facility).

Also note that here we are mainly talking about parks in the tradition of the English Landscape garden, and as others have noted parks take other forms.

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answered 11 Oct '17, 14:31

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 04 Oct '17, 02:22

question was seen: 3,087 times

last updated: 11 Oct '17, 14:31

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