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I am new to osm, so please bear with me. I am currently updating the tags and adding POIs at my university. The university has quite a large campus, extending over dozens of buildings, playing fields, etc.

Should all the buildings within the university be tagged amenity=university? There is already a polygon bounding the university grounds with that tag.

asked 06 Nov '10, 01:41

fmark's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Nov '10, 01:44

I would argue against this. I think just the object that has name=university_name should be tagged with amenity=university (whether that be the way that spands the grounds or the site relation). However looking at the map, some universities do add amenity=university to each building and some don't. It is probably best to continue using whichever method is currently used at that university to reduce conflicts between mappers.

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answered 06 Nov '10, 02:29

aharvey's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 06 Nov '10, 09:13

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

Thanks for the advice. I don't think anyone is really doing much editing of the uni at the moment, its pretty ad-hoc. There are currently no relations defined - is there a document somewhere defining best practice for relations in OSM?

(07 Nov '10, 08:45) fmark

+1 for this opinion, but there is another case... In my area most of the universities are scattered around. So there is one building in one part of the city, there is another building in another part of the city. Most commonly they are different faculties, but sometimes they are only administrative buildings. You can't surround all of the university buildings because that would cover half the city. Maybe in that case you'd better add amenity=university to each group of university buildings?

(07 Nov '10, 13:40) ivanatora

ivanatora, in my view,

In the case where the grounds are separated, you could group them together with the multipolygon relation setting each area as role=outer, then put the amenity=university on the relation (for example

However if they are different campuses with a different name, it would probably be best to do it as you have suggested where you add amenity=university to each group of university buildings (each campus).

(08 Nov '10, 00:11) aharvey

The wiki for schools actually delved into a similar issue they advised you tag the grounds as amenity=school and each building separate building as building=school.

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answered 14 Sep '11, 20:26

Sundance's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 06 Nov '10, 01:41

question was seen: 8,150 times

last updated: 14 Sep '11, 20:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum