If the street name on a building's address (eg Market Street) and the street used to access the building (eg Stadium Drive) are different, how can I make a note on the building that the road Stadium Drive must be used to access the building? Many GPSs navigate drivers to the sidewalk on Market Street, rather than navigating them to the side road which leads to the building's parking lot. Would this be something that OpenStreetMap can be used for, or is it only used for keeping information of buildings, roads, etc.? |
You could try using a roadAccess relation although I'm not sure how many routing applications are aware of them, as there aren't many in use. |
You could add a entrance=main node and a (foot)path from the parking lot to that entrance. Hopefully this would "force" navigation software to bring you to the parking lot. |
BradleyMartinis, consider to mark the sidewalk or trottoir, along the Market Street, in front of the building as pedestrian area, the routers might be guided or forced to the sideway (Stadium Drive) to the entrance as you described. But this seems to me tagging for the router. |
I suspect simply adding the address to an/the entrance node should do the trick (and removing it from the building) if the entrance is nearer to the access road than the other street. Likely it is not necessary to actually connect it to the road (no damage done if you do though). The centroid of the house that I live in is actually nearer to the street that goes along the back of the house than to the one that is near the the entrance, again adding an entrance node did the trick and fixed routing for at least a number of devices. |