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Which kind of folder structure / tools do you use to store your pictures and GPX tracks taken during mapping?

asked 11 Jul '10, 17:11

AddisMap_Alexander's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


This seems like a highly subjective topic and might not be suited for this system. Maybe better ask at a forum/mailinglist or at IRC.

(11 Jul '10, 19:15) driver2

I have a number of directories on my laptop:


GPX files are initially copied into /maps/totrace - once traced I move them into the "traced" directory and when uploaded...well you get the idea!

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answered 11 Jul '10, 17:26

kenguest's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I am using a similar structure. maps/trips.raw maps/trips.a ... where trips.raw are raw gpx-Files

After primary editing I save them in trips.a for further processing. The primary editing consists of assigning general tags (record mode, way-types as road, path and so on) as well as deleting surplus nodes. I am living in a mountain area, where signal quality is often pretty bad. So keeping the original data is always a good idea in order to create layers from several trips and check which 'measurements' reflect best the actual scenery.

(12 Jul '10, 08:59) mash

I don't permently record GPX files on my laptop at all. As soon as I can, I upload them to OSM. Well, actually, they come from myG1 phone as an email attachment. Since, I edit The Map with Potlatch, a track uploaded to OSM is all I need. That said, I record and subsequently map only some 5 tracks a week. For a more frequent mapper, a permanent track storage area makes complete sense. droidguy

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answered 12 Jul '10, 15:16

droidguy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

But what about storing photos? In the same directory as the traces?

(18 Jul '10, 16:05) AddisMap_Ale...

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question asked: 11 Jul '10, 17:11

question was seen: 5,793 times

last updated: 18 Jul '10, 16:05

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