OpenStreetMap is not a specific map nor application, it is a database of geo-information that enables you to create maps and applications. So the answer to both your questions is "yes". Naturally that is not particularly helpful, so here are a couple of examples 1) http://hikebikemap.de/ has a continous coordinate display and it is easy to build your own website with something similar 2) there is currently no routing application directly integrated in the OSM website, but again there are numerous routing sites to choose from. Currently very popular is OSRM: http://map.project-osrm.org see also http://tools.geofabrik.de/map/ ... there are many more. ... or to have an overview about routing:
(29 Aug '12, 16:55)
...or have a look at a lot of OSM-based stuff at all: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/List_of_OSM_based_Services
(30 Aug '12, 17:22)