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Hi: Is there a way to show scenic routes? Some, mostly back roads, offer nice driving scenery and are designated (here, in USA, State of Virginia) as 'scenic roads'. Thank you. Martin

asked 09 Jun '13, 14:51

slover98's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

You can map these roads with the scenic=yes tag. However I don't know of any tool that uses this tag to display them differently. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.)

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answered 09 Jun '13, 15:34

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Thank you for the reply and suggestion. It would be preferable to have them somehow differentiate graphically so one can see them right away. Perhaps there is another solution. In the meantime, I will use your tag suggestion. Thank you, Martin

(09 Jun '13, 16:11) slover98

Many of the Virginia roads have more of the characteristic of a tourism route, e.g, Blue Ridge Parkway. A good example of which would be the very cleverly named Romantic Road (Romantische Straße) in Germany:

The scenic=yes tag is attached to the relation. Adding scenic=yes tags to roads not promoted as such in tourist literature should be avoided: it is not a quality amenable to objective assessment, and therefore not verifiable. (Despite this I always liked the Michelin cartography which showed this).

(09 Jun '13, 16:28) SK53 ♦

With overpass turbo you can show them, for example: The Openfietsmap shows a little camera icon on those scenic ways. I agree this tag is not very objective.

(10 Jun '13, 08:28) ligfietser

In the UK we have routes which are often signposted 'Leisure Drive', which sounds like a similar thing. I am not aware of any being mapped, but would imagine that a relation would be the way to go, much like long distance cycle route are mapped.

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answered 09 Jun '13, 16:31

trigpoint's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

thank you for the suggestion. What do you mean by relation? Do you have an example? Thank you. I use iD editor only.

(09 Jun '13, 19:13) slover98

The iD editor is very new and does not support relations (yet). SK53 already gave an example of one in his comment in the other answer.

(09 Jun '13, 19:51) cartinus

Have not seen it done. I began following some signs, just over the border in Wrexham borough a while back. I missed one, or there was one missing, so never worked out where it went.

Will have to go back and have another go.

An example of the signage is here,,-2.80323&spn=0.026128,0.077162&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=52.929179,-2.803362&panoid=s5Elyaqug2nukRjtW9vvTw&cbp=12,6.76,,2,17.17

Have never managed to find anything other than the signs however.

(09 Jun '13, 21:14) trigpoint

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question asked: 09 Jun '13, 14:51

question was seen: 5,727 times

last updated: 10 Jun '13, 08:28

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