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What is the correct / preferred way of tagging ethnic grocery shops selling the likes of Chinese, Thai, Indian etc foods, ingredients and utensils? Tag shop= (what value?) Thanks for guidance. Graham

asked 29 Jun '13, 11:01

NZGraham's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

If any grocery outlet specialises in selling products from a particular region, the usual way I use for tagging is to tag it as a shop=grocery or shop=convenience and add a cuisine tag. So for example there are many convenience stores in the UK run by Poles which will sell a whole range of items which are distinctively polish. I tag these shop=convenenience, cuisine=polish.

The cuisine tag was created for restaurants and fast_food, but serves equally well here.

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answered 29 Jun '13, 15:36

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks SK53 - very logical answer! Just shows the flexibility of OSM tagging. Graham

(30 Jun '13, 06:04) NZGraham

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question asked: 29 Jun '13, 11:01

question was seen: 3,699 times

last updated: 30 Jun '13, 06:04

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