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I'd like to try to tag some "coffee shops" in the Netherlands. These shops sell cannabis. However, I couldn't find any good tag. In Amsterdam, a few are tagged, but as "shop=coffee", which is IMHO not very clear because it could easily suggest that they sell coffee (grains), which they don't. I guess the tag should also be able to represent places like "Medical lounges" in California.

Here are a few statistics on the tags that sound related:

I'd rather go with shop=cannabis, does it sounds good? Any better suggestion?

asked 10 Oct '12, 14:58

%C3%89ric%20Piel's gravatar image

Éric Piel
accept rate: 0%

shop=cannabis tag is still underway. If it is a lounge or a place where they serve coffee, as in cafe, it can be tagged with those appropriate tags.

permanent link

answered 01 Jun '16, 09:41

poornibadrinath's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 10 Oct '12, 14:58

question was seen: 5,609 times

last updated: 01 Jun '16, 09:41

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