If there is a rural business with one showroom but with multiple franchisees within it and only one service desk, how would I go about tagging? eg. an auto electrician has a show room with one desk, but clearly has multiple franchises in the same show room including 4wd accessaries, welding supplies, power tools, workshop, etc. Another example, is a rural mechanic who is also a road side assist franchise. |
It's going to depend a bit on how you interpret "one business", but another possible way of tagging is shown here. There one "business" is split over two buildings but with five different brands. There is, for example, a telephone that will get answered as "Gordon Lamb Skoda" (one of the franchises) and an area of one of the buildings is Skoda-branded. I've mapped it as individual shop=car nodes within a building=yes, with the nodes roughly corresponding to the branded sales areas at the front of the building. |
If, like in your example, the single shops/"franchises" are in the same room and not spatially separated I would just add the multiple tags to the one node. If necessary with ";"-separated values for one key. But... see the wiki section: When NOT to use a semi-colon value separator (this mentions quite your example problem, by the way). So, it is a trade-off. If there is some franchise which is more important (hopefully to all ploeple) or which includes the other franchises somehow, then only tag the most important franchise. Regarding your comment at the question "Tagging more than one company in one building" ("Will give it a go with multiple tags on the one node and then will confirm if it works in osmand when it updates next"): the tagging may not produce any visible results (did you mean that by "if it works"?) depending on the renderer/application which you use, that is expected by me. In case you did not know, please have a look at our wiki article about "Tagging for the renderer". If there is a logical problem (or some better solution exists) with the multiple shop/amenity tags on one node approach then, of course, another tagging scheme should be chosen. I am curious for comments by others. Many thanks, I would love to hear from others as well. In regards to osmand, I was thinking of just che king if a search would display the third tag value. As far as I am aware, the icon does not need to be visible, but the search functionality would be the most valuable. As for displaying icons, that is a job for osmand.
(27 Dec '12, 23:14)