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I noticed that several roundabouts that consist of multiple lanes are not modelled as such in OpenStreetMap. In practise, depending on the lane on which you enter the roundabout, you have access to different exits. In OpenStreetMap these roundabouts are modelled as single lanes. Is there a reason for this? It seems it would be useful to model these lanes for navigation purposes.

Examples: Prins Bernhardplein, Zaandam, The Netherlands

Houtribweg (N307), Lelystad, The Netherlands

Laan der Continenten/Donaulaan, Purmerend, The Netherlands

asked 03 Jan '19, 12:33

defluyter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Jan '19, 12:34

I have mapped a few roundabouts. I would think it would be difficult to record lane change data. Video could work but aerial probably isn't new enough or clear enough see lane markings. "Take third exit" info is i think safer than looking at the Sat Nav to check lane. At roundabouts users should be looking at the road markings and traffic in my opinion.

(30 Jun '19, 15:11) andy mackey

The multi-lane roundabouts from your question simply haven't been tagged as such. In other areas multi-lane roundabouts do exist in OSM. You can find multi-lane roundabouts via Overpass API, for example way 227772876 and way 131245452.

If you know the number of lanes then simply add it with the lanes key. The turn:lanes key is also very helpful for navigation systems.

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answered 03 Jan '19, 13:01

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 03 Jan '19, 13:04

AFAIK there is no technical reason for the roundabout lanes not to be mapped as such (aka the existing lane tagging should work too). So the conclusion is simply: nobody has bothered to do so up to now.

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answered 03 Jan '19, 13:04

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

You can also check the examples in, which make it possible to map roundabouts with lane data.

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answered 30 Jun '19, 10:06

LeifRasmussen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 03 Jan '19, 12:33

question was seen: 2,395 times

last updated: 30 Jun '19, 15:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum