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I started mapping out a local municipality trail system which makes use of man-made trails, streams, walkways and roads.

My questions is about the part of the trails that follow a road way; should the tags be updated on the road to include a trail? or where there is an actual sidewalk should another path be created?

asked 30 May '11, 02:01

SperoShiroPetto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The best way to include roads is to create a route relation that includes the roads where they are part of the trail system.

There is no need to add tags to the roadway to reflect that it can be part of the trail system.

For actual sidewalks, there are 2 choices:

  1. Add sidewalk = both / left / right to the roadway
  2. For more accurate routing step-by-step routing details, sidewalks can be drawn as a separate way
permanent link

answered 30 May '11, 11:26

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

(01 Jun '11, 03:10) Baloo Uriza

Thank you, that helps muchly!

(02 Jun '11, 03:25) SperoShiroPetto

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question asked: 30 May '11, 02:01

question was seen: 4,336 times

last updated: 02 Jun '11, 03:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum