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How can I know, which side of a link is left and right? I understand, that this is defined by the direction of drawing the link. Now if I would like to add sidewalks on already existing links (e.g. sidewalk=left), how can I find out that the sidewalk is really tagged on the side, where it is IRL? Podlatch 2 doesn't show the added sidewalk, which, by the way, would be cool if it would.

Another question that is related to that: I found out that one should draw rivers in their direction of flow, i.e. from spring to delta, and not the other way round. I already draw one river, but lacking the knowledge, into the wrong direction. Is there a way how I can reverse it, without redrawing it?

asked 17 Aug '11, 09:25

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

Yes, you can reverse a way in many of the OSM editors including Potlatch and JOSM. For more information how to do it, see here for Potlatch: (search for "reverse the direction").

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answered 17 Aug '11, 10:15

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 21 Aug '11, 10:35


Thanks! And with the arrow, I can also see the direction of the way. Excellent! Sorry for the n00b-questions!

(17 Aug '11, 10:20) moszkva ter

In Potlatch 2, the toolbar's arrow button indicates the defined direction of the selected way, and clicking it will reverse the direction.

(This is covered in the wiki page mentioned by dieterdreist. I just wanted it here for posterity.)

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answered 18 Jan '13, 18:59

Larry%20Gilbert's gravatar image

Larry Gilbert
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 17 Aug '11, 09:25

question was seen: 5,550 times

last updated: 18 Jan '13, 18:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum