Hi, I'm mapping Kerrera in Scotland: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/56.3962/-5.5459 The coastline is made up of two parts because it is more than 2000 nodes and can't be joined into a single outline for the whole island. I want to add the place=island and name=Kerrera to the coastline so it can renders. I've added this to the two separate parts of the coastline but this does not render also when searching for Kerrera on nominatim it returns only one section of the outline highlighted. Do I need to put these two parts into a relation? The place=island wikipage doesn't mention using relations. I've add relation now but still doesn't seem to quite work as expected. Anyway, looking for anyway help with tagging large islands so the name is rendered and nominatim search returns full outline and more importantly the 'place=' is regarding as an area within the OSM data model. Thanks Hawkeye |
I understand now. It's because there is no strict definition of an area in the osm model. Area is defined by a closed line, area=yes or mutlipolygon relation. So mutlipolygon is a 'relation' but when used to describe an area then it is not a 'relation' element but an area element... There is a video about area data types here: http://lanyrd.com/2013/sotm/scpkrr/ 1
Not clear what you mean by "area element" – however, to make it clear there is no "area" data element in OSM. There are only nodes, ways and relations.
(08 Oct '14, 22:57)
aseerel4c26 ♦
"area=yes" is a bit misleading - the iD editor adds this to things that it processes internally as areas, but this does cause a certain amount of confusion. Nothing processes areas in exactly the same way. Where "area=yes" is more generally used it's where something that would usually be a closed way is actually an area. Things that are very obviously already areas (e.g. landuse) don't generally have "area=yes" tags.
(09 Oct '14, 00:31)
SomeoneElse ♦
Sorry, yes. No such thing as an 'area element'. That should read 'way element' as defined here https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Elements#Way
(09 Oct '14, 20:42)
Oh well, now I see, after messing around. Adding as Mutli-polygon works. So large islands (greater than 2000 points/nodes) need to be added at a series of coastline segments draw in counter-clockwise directions then a multi-polygon relation added to each segment. The relation should then include the tags for place=island, name=??? and then that works/renders... :) All tag wiki pages have a "used on these elements" section in the green box on the side, which tells you wether the tag is typically used on nodes, ways, areas (either a closed way or a multipolygon relation), and relations. The place=island was already documented as being usable on areas, so most contributors did not feel the need to add a paragraph to that effect.
(07 Oct '14, 09:45)
Vincent de P... ♦