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Is a hole in a multipolygon representing a lake (or river section) an island or just an empty space in that water object?

asked 29 Sep '16, 19:12

sanser's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


What is an empty space in a water object? Can you show us an example of a multipolygon you are unsure about?

(29 Sep '16, 20:51) scai ♦

It's a dry space ;-)
Additional tags like place=island/islet are optional, not mandatory. This makes no real difference, just avoids possible confusion for later editors.
All holes you stamp into a multipolygon area are completely free space again, just like the space outside that MP.

permanent link

answered 04 Oct '16, 22:55

wycbtma's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Thanks. Exactly what I have expected.

(05 Oct '16, 20:11) sanser

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question asked: 29 Sep '16, 19:12

question was seen: 2,378 times

last updated: 05 Oct '16, 20:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum