Are there any renderers that will display the Transport relation colours as specified in the tag, instead of making all bus relations red, all subways another colour, etc. ? Are there are plans to implement and render the colours as specified in transport relations' tags in the OSM main Transport Map view on the homepage? |
I'll answer the second part of the question, since I've been asked a few times about it. There are three issues with supporting route colours:
Each issue has a solution, namely:
Pistes coloring code for opensnowmap can be found here:
(02 Jan '14, 23:44)
There is AIUI no plan for (Andy Allan's) Transport Map on the front page to do so. Other renderers which show transport information include öpnvkarte and OpenStreetBrowser but I don't believe either of those do. |
I found OSMTransport ( which displays route colors for a limited number of cities. |