Hi. I made my first local bus network in OSM but it doesn't appear in the transport layer after near two weeks. I know the transport layer is only a courtesy, that it is updated when Andy Allan can, that some caches may be interfering muy view of the map... but I tried a lot of thing and so much time has passed, and the changes don't appear. I wonder if the server updating that we had this april may have stop the updating of the layer these days, or it is only I did anything wrong. |
Some third-party layers are not being updated during this, the 'redaction period', in which the database will be cleansed for the licence change to the Open Database Licence. You can expect changes to restart once the licence change is complete, hopefully later this month. 2
indeed - although I'm still considering whether to restart the updates since the redaction hasn't started yet. Normally the transport map updates daily.
(13 Apr '12, 15:16)
Andy Allan
Thanks. ---
(13 Apr '12, 16:59)
Wondering if anyone knows when the redaction period will be completed and the update to the transport map will be able to begin again. 2
At current estimates we'd expect it to be complete within a fortnight from now, possibly sooner.
(18 Jul '12, 23:08)
Richard ♦