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There are no problems with your relations. However the Public Transport Line Diagram requires all routes to have the tags network= and ref= set. However not all routes have a network or a relation.

The only thing I notice odd in your relations is that you have invented the tag route=jeepney. I can not find any documentasion giving a verifyable description of this tag. What is the difference betwean a jeepney and a bus?

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answered 22 Nov '11, 14:15

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Basically, Jeepneys are bus-like vehicles used in public transportation in the Philippines. (If needed/requested, I'll change the tag to route=bus)

Also, most jeepney routes don't have refs or networks.

(23 Nov '11, 03:53) ianlopez1115

jeepneys are minibuses? Like Dolmus in Turkey or Marshrutkas in Eastern Europe? There is a tag already: route=share_taxi

(23 Nov '11, 11:29) moszkva ter

Basically yes. Thanks for the info!

(23 Nov '11, 13:49) ianlopez1115

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question asked: 22 Nov '11, 13:43

question was seen: 5,697 times

last updated: 31 Jul '13, 01:46

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