Why does transport map layer not show subway line names? Bus lines are ok, but subway and tram not. For example http://osm.org/go/0JrIcTYO?layers=T (bad, subway lines in black [similar to railway - no names]) in comparison to http://openptmap.org/?lat=48.20082&layers=B0000&lon=16.37143&zoom=16 (good, subway lines with names, i.e. U1, U2, ..) Having transport layer on OSM main portal page, this should at least show some basic information... |
The question has been closed for the following reason "help site is not intended for policy discussions" by SimonPoole 24 Apr '12, 08:54
With the exception of the "Standard" layer, the example maps on www.openstreetmap.org are provided by third parties. The creators and providers of the respective maps are responsible for the design and which features are included, any questions and suggestions should be directed to them. In the case of the transport map this would be Andy Allan, see http://www.thunderforest.com/ 1
They are provided by third parties, but CHOSEN by OSM. I don't see why a sub-optimal transport map has been chosen, when better ones are around ....
(24 Apr '12, 08:39)
As I wrote above these are example maps, I would not infer any specific quality metrics from the fact that they have been chosen for inclusion on the main map page other than the criteria specified here http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Strategic_working_group/New_Tile_Layer_Guidelines Note that the help site is not intended for policy discussions, please adress either the responsible working group or use one of the mailing lists to discuss such matters
(24 Apr '12, 08:51)
SimonPoole ♦