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Here is they given rub example for this does anyone know about C# implementation

Code for encoding & decoding ...

Source code for encoding and decoding shortlinks can be found in short_link.rb on git. This is the ruby code used on the website. If anyone has other language implementations, please feel free to link them here.

asked 17 Dec '11, 12:22

OSMUser's gravatar image

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I do not want to sound unfriendly here, but looking at the code it seems quite easy. I wonder if someone who is not able to rewrite it within half an hour can use the result...

(17 Dec '11, 17:16) LM_1

Today I wrote a VB.Net function for decoding an OSM shortlink, based on the Ruby example. This is now part of my map viewer application:
The source file containing this function is available at:

Private Const OSMshortlinkEncoding As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_~"

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Parse an OpenStreetMap shortlink code into Latitude, Longitude and Zoom
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="aCode">OpenStreetMap shortlink code</param>
    ''' <param name="aCenterLatitude">returns latitude at center of area</param>
    ''' <param name="aCenterLongitude">returns longitude at center of area</param>
    ''' <param name="aZoom">returns zoom level</param>
    ''' <returns>True if link was parsed and reasonable values for the ByRef arguments were found</returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Function ParseOSMshortlink(ByVal aCode As String, _
                                       ByRef aCenterLatitude As Double, _
                                       ByRef aCenterLongitude As Double, _
                                       ByRef aZoom As Integer) As Boolean
        ' =
        Dim x As Long = 0
        Dim y As Long = 0
        Dim z As Long = 0
        Dim z_offset As Long = 0

            ' replace @ in old shortlinks with ~
            aCode = aCode.Replace("@", "~")

            For Each ch As Char In aCode.ToCharArray
                Dim t As Integer = OSMshortlinkEncoding.IndexOf(ch)
                If t < 0 Then
                    z_offset -= 1
                    For index As Integer = 1 To 3
                        x <<= 1
                        If t And 32 Then x += 1
                        t <<= 1
                        y <<= 1
                        If t And 32 Then y += 1
                        t <<= 1
                    z += 3
                End If
            ' pack the coordinates out to their original 32 bits.
            x <<= (32 - z)
            y <<= (32 - z)

            ' project the parameters back to their coordinate ranges.
            aCenterLongitude = (x * 360.0 / 2 ^ 32) - 180.0
            aCenterLatitude = (y * 180.0 / 2 ^ 32) - 90.0
            aZoom = z - 8 - (z_offset Mod 3)
            Return aCenterLatitude > -90 AndAlso aCenterLatitude < 90 AndAlso _
                aCenterLongitude >= -180 AndAlso aCenterLongitude <= 180
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function
permanent link

answered 19 Nov '12, 21:42

Mark%20Gray's gravatar image

Mark Gray
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 17 Dec '11, 12:22

question was seen: 18,009 times

last updated: 19 Nov '12, 21:42

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