In this view there's a huge blue area visible only in the Transport layer, but it should be forest. (If this lake actually existed, it would be the 2nd largest in Japan; it's certainly not there). The area had been a line, so in an attempt to fix it (turn it into forest) I added "area:yes" and "landuse:forest", but that doesn't seem to fix it. Short of just deleting the whole (big, complex) node, can it be turned into a normal forested area like those next to it? Thanks. |
Hi, that way was one part of the forest multipolygon but had somehow been removed,(breaking the multipolygon). I've added it back to the multipolygon, give it a little while to re-render and see if that fixes it. Link to show rendering is correct :- See here Thank you for giving it a try, but it's always looked fine on the normal layer. Only on the "Transport Map" layer does it look like a lake.
(17 Sep '16, 10:21)
Jeffrey Friedl
The transport map is not updated that often. You might have to wait a couple of days before it gets updated.
(17 Sep '16, 22:01)
The areas that you've linked to are now fixed, but further down at there's still a problem. Presumably it's just a "renderer catching up" issue. If the data's correct, I wouldn't worry about it.
(21 Sep '16, 14:16)
SomeoneElse ♦
Thanks much, everyone... the flood has receded and the earth is dry again. :-)
(23 Sep '16, 04:29)
Jeffrey Friedl