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Hello, I would like draw roads in forests. But it's for the wood transport, and I will draw roads only for trucks. It's possible to do a new category in the Legend ?

asked 25 Nov '12, 21:23

djordan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 27 Nov '12, 05:44

Circeus's gravatar image


In general, you should avoid creating new tags as long as there are accepted tags for a given map feature.

In your case, a path in a forest used only for wood transport is probably highway=track. To prevent regular traffic from using it, you could add appropriate restrictions, e.g. access=forestry.

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answered 26 Nov '12, 09:42

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%


Keep in mind that access applies to all kinds of transport, even foot and bicycle. But most tracks only have restrictions for vehicle or motor_vehicle.

(26 Nov '12, 12:35) scai ♦

Hi Djordan, Did you consider using highway track, instaed of making a new tag ? Anyother vehicle wont start driving on a woodcutters track. After some time it could be graded and used by other vehicles isnt it ? Greetz Hendrik

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answered 25 Nov '12, 21:41

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Agree with highway=track. Add a tracktype=gradeX, and maybe an access=forestry tag, and you're done.

(25 Nov '12, 22:21) Vincent de P... ♦


Thanks you for your answer. Usually in Switzerland the roads in forests are prohibed for vehicles. We build roads not only for wood transport, but everybody can go on foot or with bike to do a walk for exemple. Sometimes it's not possible to go with a truck and a trailer. I will draw very specific roads where the trucks drivers can see if it's possible to go with a truck on a road in forest. I will also write if they can turn back, if it's not too steep (max. 12%), etc. After that, I would like working with this data on Quantum GIS.

What do you think ? It's possible to do that ?

(26 Nov '12, 09:27) djordan

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question asked: 25 Nov '12, 21:23

question was seen: 5,603 times

last updated: 27 Nov '12, 05:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum