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Hi, I've made several edits in my neighborhood that have shown up in OSM within a reasonable amount of time (several minutes or maybe an hour). I've seen the various posts and questions about "how long until changes show up" and about clearing cache, shift f5 to refresh browser, etc; However, one edit hasn't changed and that was about 20 days ago.

Here is the node that hasn't been updated (I added English, but only original Japanese shows in OSM):

Here is example of one where I added English and it shows as I expected:

Did I do something wrong or it 20 days still too early to worry about it?

Thanks! Cheers

asked 22 Sep '13, 07:56

chatan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Node 1068044009 and node 1423923802 are duplicates in exactly the same position. At fix glance both appear to be imported, but by different imports.

Before doing anything else I would go through the second import (which was back in 2011) for any other duplicates and merge those (if it's obvious to do without losing data) or add map notes for them.

Once you've got only one node for this hospital, changing its name should work as expected.

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answered 22 Sep '13, 10:19

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Interesting! So how did you figure out there are duplicate nodes?
I'll have to figure out how to merge nodes some other day. Cheers

(22 Sep '13, 14:19) chatan

I spotted the duplicate nodes by opening the node that you linked to in the editor (the default for which for me is Potlatch 2). Instead of displaying as a hospital node, P2 shows it like this:

p2 dupe node

making it really clear that there are a pair of duplicate nodes on the same spot.

(22 Sep '13, 21:41) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks all. I fixed the duplicate node and learned lots in the process. Cheers!

(24 Sep '13, 12:22) chatan

The Selection dialog (Windows->Selection or alt+shift+T) of JOSM can be used to identify multiple nodes at the same point. Left click and drag the mouse around the problematic area and the nodes will get listed in the selection dialog. If you see multiple nodes listed where only one is expected, you can delete one node using this dialog.

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answered 23 Sep '13, 08:56

BlueTiger's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

edited 23 Sep '13, 08:57


This works, but is not very efficient. Using JOSM's validator will be much faster, but the coordinates have to match exactly.

(23 Sep '13, 09:59) scai ♦

For info, since I've just fixed a bunch of duplicate nodes in Manchester using JOSM, here's what I did:

1) Load the OSC file into JOSM and "update data"

2) Using the "todo" plugin, select all the nodes and add to a todo list.

3) For the first node, zoom right in, load OSM data, highlight the node, validate, select the one error, review the tags, "m" to merge (making any necessary manual adjustments), click OK.

4) Tick that node as completed in the "todo" plugin.

5) The todo plugin handles zooming to the next node when you mark the previous one as completed, so repeat until done.

(23 Sep '13, 10:27) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 22 Sep '13, 07:56

question was seen: 4,346 times

last updated: 24 Sep '13, 12:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum