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Imagine that I'm looking at a taginfo page and wanted to understand how it was used. There's a JOSM link so I can download any or all of nodes/ways/relations to JOSM and see them there.

Once I've selected a node I can zoom in in JOSM, download the other stuff around it, and understand what's going on. How do I then move to the next item that I downloaded from taginfo to see what's going on there too?

asked 07 Jul '13, 14:04

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

There is a plugin for JOSM that is called todo. It allows you to manage a todo list where you can add elements, iterate over them and remove (mark) them again.

Another somewhat crippled solution is to just create a temporary relation and add all your objects to it. This solution works for all editors which support relations. But you have to remember to delete it after you finished your task.

permanent link

answered 07 Jul '13, 16:05

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


Yes - that works, thanks!

(22 Sep '13, 12:32) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi, with reference to the page you mentioned, re the elephants, as you say zoom in and do whatever. Do NOT delete the data layer from JOSM, just zoom way out again and you'll eventually see the other items. Start over again on the next item. There's elephants on five continents. Regards Bernard

permanent link

answered 07 Jul '13, 19:48

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


Which two continents don't have elephants?

Errr, what is "the next item" after you zoomed out to see all?

(08 Jul '13, 07:21) scai ♦

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question asked: 07 Jul '13, 14:04

question was seen: 4,930 times

last updated: 22 Sep '13, 12:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum