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Sometimes, when editing some downtown areas in São Paulo, Brazil, and using GPS traces as well as Bing's aerial imagery, I see a lot of "bad" GPS traces.

Bad, in the sense of high noise, distorted, points jumping wildly around the map, and so on, "bad" in the sense that they are completely useless for the purpose they were uploaded, and "bad" in the sense that they "hide" good GPS traces from view...

So, the question is: Who manages GPS traces (and deletes/hides from view/cleans up "bad" GPS traces)? Can I be a GPS trace "manager"?

I know I can right-click on the GPX data layer and filter traces I do not want to view, but: - Sometimes there are dozens (even hundreds) of GPS traces listed, very hard to select only the "good" ones; - The filtered list is not saved, therefore I have to re-filter when starting every new editing session!

asked 09 Sep '13, 01:35

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

In addition to andy mackey's answer: You could write (or find someone who does or ask for) a better (JOSM) gpx filtering plugin which provides more and easier filtering options. It may save those options between edits. It may even share those settings between users (similar to the Imagery Offset Database).

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answered 09 Sep '13, 18:26

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%


Maybe its time to brush up on my rusty Java skills...

(10 Sep '13, 11:01) MCPicoli

I do not know of any " management system ". It would be best to edit our own traces before upload but unless we drop them over a map to see if they make sense first it would be hard to know what to cut out. We can cut the start and ends, the "birds nest" tangles and maybe some phantom plots where the a trace jumps an unreasonable distance. While someone could program this I doubt it is worth the work involved as it probably would not be that successful. Use your own judgement to average and plot a way.

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answered 09 Sep '13, 08:31

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

I have full control over my own traces (before upload), but zero over already uploaded traces from other people. If the map is bad/incorrect anyone can edit it, but nobody can do anything (except filtering out) about GPS traces?

(09 Sep '13, 10:07) MCPicoli

Yes, that's how the current situation is.

(09 Sep '13, 10:24) scai ♦

When recording a trace, I usually set my garmin to once a second which worked great on the Vista it was also set it was save on the microSD. (but YOU may run out of space) When walking right angled corners would be recorded that way. A less regular record rate or faster travel speeds will give a cut cornered trace as usually the plots before and after the turn are joined by a straight line, yielding something that does not match the way.

(18 Oct '13, 21:07) andy mackey

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question asked: 09 Sep '13, 01:35

question was seen: 5,950 times

last updated: 18 Oct '13, 21:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum