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as you may know cyprus has been divided in northern cyprus and cyprus. the turkish and the greek part from a war in 1974. since then the northern cyprus is not recognized as a country from the united nations. only the south part named Cyprus is recognized and now is a fully european member. there are many web pages where you can find information about the northern part but still the united nations does not recognize it as a formal country.

thus your map is wrong and should be changed in order to comply with the united nations decisions. it should be changed to Cyprus. not changing it only indicates that you choose to not comply with the un decisions and you choose to comply with the turkish decision in a political matter.

i trust that you will change the map in according to the international united nations decisions. the name of the country is Cyprus Republic=> Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία

thank you

asked 05 Dec '12, 15:17

bill1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 05 Dec '12, 16:52

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

i do not understand why this is closed. perhaps you didnt understand the question. let me clarify it. who decides how a country is named in openstreetmap and why isnt the country name taken from the united nations country recognition? who takes these decisions in this map here and on what grounds?

it makes me wonder if the map is valid or anyone can write whatever he wants.

(06 Dec '12, 09:15) bill1234

No need to wonder, just read.

(06 Dec '12, 09:34) scai ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Not a question." by SimonPoole 05 Dec '12, 16:52

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question asked: 05 Dec '12, 15:17

question was seen: 2,887 times

last updated: 06 Dec '12, 09:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum