I was trying to make a bus route map of Managua, which could be a rediclas but much needed task. I found an old bus route map on line in a old news paper article, that seem to be still very acurate. My question is, is there a way to simply copy, overlay and paste onto the transport layer, to save days of time, and the other problem is that if I can't do that I don't think there is enough colors in OSM to color code them. Any suggestions? Oh here is where I found the existing map. http://www.noticiasnicas.com/2012/01/rutas-de-managua-1.html |
If you use JOSM, the public transport plugin can save a lot of work. I've used it to map around 1500 bus stops and 50 bus lines in Wuppertal, Germany. |
have you searched these questions like this https://help.openstreetmap.org/search/?csrfmiddlewaretoken=5a22999cdd4c3c57c6db74e8e027e162&q=+bus+routes&Submit=Search&t=question
Also bear in mind that the map that you found is most probably copyrighted and you can not use it as a source