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Hi everybody. I wanted to ask how can I fix or maybe report this issue:

There is obviously a route between the start and end point, which is way shorter (and the correct one) however the graphopper engine doesn't recognize it, instead uses alternative which makes way longer trip. Could you please help?

asked 23 Feb '23, 07:16

Hous4o's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, I've just tried your route in OsmAnd+ and it works as expected. I cannot see anything wrong with the tagging. However, I suspect that the tag sac_scale=demanding_alpine_hiking on Way: х. Амбарица - з. Ботев (844312515) may be what's interfering with the routing on Foot(GrapHopper). The fix is to use a different router.

Regards Bernard.

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answered 23 Feb '23, 09:42

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Well Openstreet offers 3 engines for routing by foot, all of them and giving the same route issue. Is there a way to fix this somehow?

(23 Feb '23, 11:04) Hous4o

I have changed the type to hiking, still same result. Maybe I have to delete the tag completely? I haven't seen such tag anywhere else before. I read through documentation, but I haven't found any other solution except deleting it?

(23 Feb '23, 11:21) Hous4o

@hous4o To be clear, if a router does not route along unsuitable ways then it is a feature not a bug. The three routing engines are just general purpose routing engines for walking on foot. They're not for mountain climbing.

(23 Feb '23, 11:25) SomeoneElse ♦

I have changed the type to hiking

DO NOT DO THIS just so to try and get a router to generate a route for you - you could get someone killed.

My example above (on Barf in the English Lake District) I was aware of because the local mountain rescue team had to be called out to rescue someone because their on-device router (an app that did not understand OSM data very well) ignored the "sac_scale" tag.

Also, to be clear, routers will take time to update. You won't be able to change a tag and see an immediate effect.

(23 Feb '23, 11:29) SomeoneElse ♦

In that case I will restore the changes to the original tag. Is there any other engine available which I can use with openstreetmap website to generate the route when climbing?

(23 Feb '23, 11:33) Hous4o

(on the subject of documentation) I don't think you can fault OSM here.

If you click "sac_scale" at , it takes you to (in English). Although there isn't a Bulgarian translation there are 3 other Slavic ones so even someone without your excellent English should be able to work something out.

(23 Feb '23, 11:33) SomeoneElse ♦

Is there any other engine available which I can use with openstreetmap website to generate the route when climbing

I don't know of one, and it'd be a very difficult technical problem to solve, since key parts of the calculations would be time of year and local weather conditions.

(23 Feb '23, 11:36) SomeoneElse ♦

So to be clear I have been there myself, I believe the tag should be there, my point is that I want to show the route properly, and the engine doesn't show it. What you are saying is that there is no way for me to properly show the route with OSM and available engines?

(23 Feb '23, 11:40) Hous4o

Routing engines are about "finding the best way of getting from A to B". It sounds like here you already know where you want to go and just want to plot that somehow? Maybe something like uMap would do for that, but there are lots of other options (Garmin handhelds, several apps using OSM data) that will also do that.

(23 Feb '23, 11:46) SomeoneElse ♦

Yes I havee been there, using that same route. My question was how can I show that to other people via OSM, since the graphopper and two other engines do not generate the route properly.

(23 Feb '23, 11:50) Hous4o

I would suggest using an OSM-based website that allows you to draw your route without having to follow routes at all times. For example, lets you choose "Auto Plot: Off / By Road / On Foot / By Bike". You can use the "Off" setting for the section that you can't automatically route across.

(23 Feb '23, 19:23) Richard ♦
showing 5 of 12 show 7 more comments

In addition to BCNorwich answer and the comments I notice several changes to the tagging today. Tags take, in my experience, several days to be used by graphopper and OSRM.

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answered 23 Feb '23, 18:26

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

I did change the tags few times to day, and then returned the values as they previously were, because I did not want to misguide somebody. I guess there were changes before my changes?

(23 Feb '23, 20:10) Hous4o

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question asked: 23 Feb '23, 07:16

question was seen: 1,117 times

last updated: 23 Feb '23, 20:10

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