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When I go to, I see a map without satellite view. If I edit the map, I see the satellite view. Is it possible to see the satellite map WITHOUT editing the map?

asked 03 Aug '11, 17:05

kainaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Aug '11, 09:25

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦


Not here. OpenStreetMap does not have any satellite imagery itself.

Our main provider of satellite imagery is Bing, Microsoft's mapping service. You can go to to see these satellite images unencumbered by OSM data.

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answered 03 Aug '11, 17:21

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


Note that bing satellite imagery (the one used in the potlach editor) isn't on the main website for legal reasons, not technical ones. OSM received an exceptional authorisation from Microsoft to use the imagery for editing only, not for viewing/redistribution.

(04 Aug '11, 11:52) Vincent de P... ♦

See for the announcement and terms of Bing-tracing authorisation.

(16 Jul '14, 15:34) Vincent de P... ♦

MapQuest Open uses various open-licensed aerials such as NAIP on their site.

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answered 04 Aug '11, 08:04

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

There are some map compare tools like

where one can compare OSM maps against a wide range of third party maps and satellite imagery.

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answered 19 Jul '14, 18:29

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

OpenStreetMap (OSM) itself does not offer/is not about satellite image layers. OSM is just about map data. However, since this map data can be freely used (while respecting the license), many services exist which offer a satellite/aerial imagery layer and OSM-based layers (at some you can overlay OSM-based transparent maps over sat images).

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answered 07 Feb '15, 16:37

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 07 Feb '15, 16:37

Can you give me some examples?

(27 Dec '20, 16:36) Shaheen31

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question asked: 03 Aug '11, 17:05

question was seen: 92,175 times

last updated: 27 Dec '20, 16:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum