Hi, was there any change in exporting SVG files for Inkscape? I try it about 2 month ago and everything was normal - vectors etc. Now it is compact picture and can't be ungrouped, so I can't do anything with it. Thanks.
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This bug seems to be fixed now. It looks like a Mapnik problem, but there's also a workaround deployed in the export code on the OSM.org website which works immediately. See more details in https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/3653. meta: Thanks for your follow-up on this! I hope the OP @martan1484 does not mind, I have "accepted" this as answer for their question.
(09 Feb '19, 12:25)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Can you explain in a little bit more detail what your problem is? People won't be familiar with what you got last time or what you were able to do with it, and won't know what you are trying to do now.
I suspect this is a result of an osm-carto style change which can’t be represented in SVG so forces rasterisation and output as an embedded bitmap.
Richard, you are true, I think. Is there any possibility to change this and get SVG back in vectors instead of bitmap?
Which change could it be?
The problem is that there was no deployment of new OSM Carto version between v4.11.0 and v4.14.0:
@kocio Maybe a change to other software on the website? I know that some of the rendering chain has changed (e.g. to a version of osm2pgsql that doesn't tolerate old-style multipolygons) but I've no idea if anything behind the "export" button has changed.
Who knows - it's good to ask here probably:
maybe introduction of comp-op? That seems to be a raster operation.
Rather not, because comp-op has been introduced 4 years ago:
Has there been any progress/updates on the reasons for this change or whether this is going to change in the future?
I could not find any issue about this over at GitHub, so I opened one: https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/1998
Hi everybody, Anybody has more information about this bug -> SVG share generate PNG or BMP rendering ?
Since the last post, nothing appends the problem seems to be unsolved. I'm not developer, so I really don't understand all exchanges about this issue.
If anybody knows more about it and if anybody can explain it in common language, please let us know ;-)
Thanks in advance and have a good day guys !!!
@gate1983 the short answer is "no" - I don't believe that anything has changed. The issue https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/3749 is closed, but (to some commenters there, and you) still an issue.
previous question about the same: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/58913/mapnik-svg-output-not-working