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How do I create 3D model of a city from SVG files?

asked 17 Jun '11, 12:00

jeffmorris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jun '11, 15:20

Tordanik's gravatar image



Please edit your question and tell us why you want to create from SVG files? What is your data source?

(17 Jun '11, 12:23) stephan75

It is possible to create 3D city models from OpenStreetMap data. However, it doesn't make sense to convert OSM data to SVG first, because by doing so you will lose almost all of the information that you will need for your city model: for example, SVG files usually don't contain any height, incline, or elevation information.

Instead, software that creates 3D models from OSM will directly work with files or databases containing OpenStreetMap data. See 3D Development and the 3D Rendering section in the OSM wiki for some attempts to create 3D models in various formats based on OSM data.

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answered 17 Jun '11, 15:18

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

Likely answer: You don't.

What kind of model do you want to create, and what kind of SVG files do you have? Do these SVG files contain height information at all?

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answered 17 Jun '11, 12:04

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

One hint about creating 3D models out of OSM data:

Have a look at the OSM wiki at 3D_Development

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answered 17 Jun '11, 12:23

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


I tried to use SketchUp program to create 3D model of a city but if I use the "Geo-Location" command to get the images of the city that I want to model, the trees in the images block the view of the streets and roads that I want to model. Also, the auto-snapping feature in SketchUp always gets in the way and I think that there's no way of disabling the auto-snapping feature. I want to use images from Open Street Maps, Google Maps, or NYCityMap but the only way to get the images from those websites is to use the "Print Screen" key, load the images into Paint Shop Pro program, and combine the images into one large image.

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answered 18 Jun '11, 01:13

jeffmorris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You should ask these questions in a Sketchup-Forum, not in the openstreetmap forum.

There are other methods to automatically download the images in question, but it is forbidden by the usage terms of the entities that offer the service, at least if you do it in significant quantity.

(21 Jun '11, 12:13) dieterdreist

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question asked: 17 Jun '11, 12:00

question was seen: 10,564 times

last updated: 21 Jun '11, 12:13

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